Thursday, 14 October 2010

Chemo cycle 5: Days 7 - 10

Day 7:  woke up feeling much better although still pretty sore and tired.  Spent the day with DD2 which was lovely, lots of cuddles on the sofa! 
Day 8:  We booked DD2 into nursery today so I could keep resting.  Which I did!  I had a couple of paracetomol in the morning, but that was pretty much it all day.  The soreness was fading!  Still had achy gums, nails and chemo mouth though.  Bah.  Got a handy tip, that tonic water helps with the taste - and it does!  Better stock up for next (and last) time!

Day 9:  A much, much better day with no painkillers at all!  The chemo mouth was fading and the weird aches and pains were much, much less.  Took the DDs to get their hair cut at friends' house and had a lovely time.  It was brilliant to get out.

Day 10:  today.  In theory, today was the last day of my recuperation.  But DH realised this morning that he couldn't do the school run and, do you know, I fancied it!  So I did - boo sucks to germs!  (Although there was a man coughing right by me, of course.  But I moved.)  Then had a nice morning pottering and managed to have a semi-decent lunch that tasted almost right, before collecting DD2 and avoiding coughing people.  I feel much, much better today and am looking forward to a week and a half of normality before MY LAST CHEMO SESSION!!  I can't wait for it to be over.

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