Monday, 9 August 2010

Chemo cycle 1: Day 16 - 19

In terms of how I have felt, I have felt fine - no tiredness (or no more than usual anyway!) or sickness or anything.  The big thing has been the hair loss.  Every day it's been getting more and more.  I won't have any left soon - I am going to wait till my Day 20 (today) diary to explain it a bit more, as it's still the morning and I have a lot to do, but I think in terms of how much hair I have, I reckon it's halved.  Maybe more.

But anyway:

Day 16: Pottering and cake baking, lovely!

Day 17: Went to House of Fraser in the morning to get an eyebrow pencil just in case.  I have never used one.  So I went to the Benefit counter and she was absolutely amazing!  Really sympathetic, without being patronising and lovely.  She showed me how to do the pencil with my eyebrows and then took me through how to do them if my eyebrows go, explained it really well and simply so that me, Mrs I-haven't-a-clue-how-to-do-makeup, could understand - but again, no patronising.  She also said I was welcome anytime to come for a free makeover as a pick-me-up and invited me to a fragrance launch they are doing at the end of the month.  So I cannot rate her highly enough and it made me feel great.

I then came home to finish DD1's birthday cake and we had a little party for her when she came home from school.  Fantastic day.

Day 18:  Today was our annual summer bbq.  It was very chilled and we had just the right amount of people show up so it felt interesting but intimate enough.  Got lots of help with filling up glasses etc so I didn't wear myself out too much.  Again, it was lovely and so many fantastic people could make it.

Day 19: flop day!

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