The main symptom has been tiredness really, I seem to be okay in the few days following the treatment but...
Yesterday (Day 3) I noticed that the soreness from the chemo on my arm was still there and that my arm was covered in pinky blotches, a bit like a rash. DH had noticed them an hour or so after the chemo on Day 1, but I hadn't really given it much thought thinking it would go away. But I thought 48h was enough, so phoned the helpline who told me to go to A&E. Oh the joy. Luckily DH is working at home this week so could take me and thank goodness a friend was able to collect DD2 from nursery and her husband was at home to take DD1. So it all worked out.
The A&E doctor didn't fill me with much confidence though. He asked what chemo I was having, I said FEC and he started to write 'effycee' or something! He said he had never heard of it. But he diagnosed an infection in my vein and I am on antibiotics for the next 5 days. It's already going down so hopefully he was right....
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