Monday, 9 August 2010

Chemo cycle 2: Days 10 - 13

Well, apart from the soreness in my arm, we have had a lovely few days.  We went to the New Forest for a short break and I got to relax, go for walks and eat well!  I was due to have a massage but the beautician said that with a blood clot it's not a good idea, and it's not always good if you are undergoing chemo as well.  Something to do with it gets the blood circulation flowing, which isn't great.  Oh well.  I had reflexology instead which was nice but not the same.

It was also the first time I have been totally out in public with headscarves - have been into town for an hour or so before this, but this was pretty much in public for 3 days straight.  I caught people kind of looking but didn't get any gawping stares!!  But a majority of people took absolutely no notice which is nice to see.

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